B2B SaaS & Tech Content Marketing Firm

Engaging B2B Content Marketing That Sparks Conversations

Position yourselves as the authoritative leaders within your B2B technology or software sector, generating increased dialogue for your sales force.

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B2B content marketing, the Essential Media way

You’ve been using freelancers or have a content marketer in your team who’s stretched too thin across product, proposition and marketing. You’re getting content downloads but the leads aren’t going anywhere.

Go from hiding value, to providing value

Great content marketing is rooted in providing value to an audience that you truly understand. We’re scared to share our secrets, but we’re here to challenge this.

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Always Be a Thought Leader

Thought leadership isn't something to dazzle occasionally and keep locked away. Every piece of content should offer significant value, be assertive, and distinguish itself. If it's merely reiterating the basics to your audience, it's not worth the effort.

We plan to harness the knowledge of your internal experts, craft content with strong viewpoints that breaks away from the norm, and select the optimal channels for its distribution.

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Putting Customers at the Heart

The success of content marketing hinges on your intimate knowledge of your customers. A thorough grasp of your audience is essential to tap into the existing structured demand and to cultivate future demand through educational and value-adding content.

We commit to uncovering where your audience seeks solutions and spends their time. We'll devise innovative, content-driven strategies to engage them, ultimately fueling demand.

Inbound Marketing

The Problem with Gates

Today's prospects hesitate more than ever before to exchange their personal information for content. While there's merit in restricting access to high-value content, the outdated practice of gating everything needs to go—especially since top-of-funnel leads are often just a vanity metric.

Essential Media is dedicated to delivering real value to your audience. Creating demand out of thin air is impossible, but you can lay the groundwork for future demand with your content. Be visible, showcase your expertise, offer assistance—and when the time comes for them to make a purchase, you'll be the first they think of.

Inbound Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy

Try, Learn, Improve, Do It Again

Content gives you a great chance to try things out and see what works. From figuring out the right messages, getting people engaged, to understanding your audience better—all of this helps you make your approach to the market better.

Find out which kinds of content and where you share them really make an impact, especially those that help bring in money. Leave behind the random attempts and welcome a smart, money-focused way of doing content marketing that's guided by facts. Get ready for content marketing that hits the target.

Want content that starts conversations?

We’ll create a content strategy that gets you in front of your target audience. Literally.